Esperance David – The family in Israel

INT:    So your family were in Israel, they’re building a life up. So, were they with other Iraqis?  Were they a community in Iraq?

ED:      Well yes, as I was saying, they were all told to leave and take 50 [pounds]. No matter what you had, house or anything. And when I was in Israel, I asked my sister, what happened to your lovely house?  So she laughed, she said, we have got the key of it. She was really being sarcastic. They took the house, what’s the key used for?  They took everything, confiscated everything. “And now you want to go to be in Israel. You’re Jews, you are Zionist, you go to Israel, take fifty pounds, see how far you can go with it and the suitcase that you can carry with you”, and that was it.  And this is how they started.