Teachers may use these examples of Questions to enrich their pupil’s experience of visiting the exhibition.
Relevant photograph numbers follow the questions
Examples of Questions
Look carefully at this section then answer the questions below:
Where was Marian Camrass born? (6)
What notorious laws were introduced in Germany in 1935? (4)
What did the black dots represent in the table showing the Nuremberg Racial Laws? (4)
When did Bob Kutner join the Ballila? (2)
Do you think the reason he gave for joining was a sensible reason?
With whom was Dorrith Sim skating? What is unexpected about this? (7)
Look carefully at this section then answer the questions below: –
What does the word Kindertransport mean?
See if you can find out more about the Kindertransport.
Look at the children coming off the boat. What can you see round Rosa’s neck? (11)
Look for an example of one of these in our collection of objects from this period.
What number is written on it?
What was the purpose of the number?
Why do you think it was a number not a name?
Why did the children leave their country of birth?
Why are there no parents with the children?
How would you feel if you had to go on a long journey to a new country without your parents?
Was Martin Anson a soldier? (3)
What does the word ‘paramilitary’ mean?
Why do you think Beate (Pat) Anson and her friend were both wearing scarves? (9)
Look carefully at this section then answer the questions below: –
Who was John Subak-Sharpe’s mother thanking and why? (24)
What was Leo Metzstein wearing? (17) Would a modern boy wear similar clothes?
Why was Ingrid Wolfe given permission to come to the UK? (21)
Look at the list of contents of George Taylor’s suitcase. (23)
What would you take if you had to fill a suitcase with essentials?
Explain your choice.
Look at this section then answer the questions below: –
Find the photograph that says Maccabi. (26)
Can you find out what Maccabi means?
How did Dorrith Sim learn English? (20)
Why was it so important to learn English?
Choose 25 words that you think a new arrival in Scotland would immediately need to know.
Look at this section then answer the questions below: –
What award did Susan Singerman gain? (25)
Why do you think she believed it was essential to talk about her experiences?
What was Gretl Shapiro making? (35)
Do you think she was enjoying herself?
Rosa Sacharin became a paediatric nurse. (38)
What group of people did she look after?
What is special about photo 32? (32)
Can you find out more about what John Subak-Sharpe did once he left the Army? (33
Do you think the people pictured in the exhibition have much in common? Discuss this question with your friends. Give reasons for your answer.
A caption is a short description or explanation of a photograph, often detailing what is happening in the photo, where and when it was taken, and who appears in it.
Using the information you have gained from looking at the exhibition, write a caption for a photograph of your family.
How do you think the caption would differ if it had been published in a Nazi newspaper, a Jewish-German newspaper, or a Scottish newspaper?
Look at the video. Chose 4 photographs and describe them. Why have you picked these?
With a Partner
Choose a photograph in the exhibition.
Ask your partner what they think of the photograph you have chosen.
Now it’s your partner’s choice.
What have you each chosen? Do they tell a story? Explain your choices.
Can you find interesting photographs of you and your family to bring in and discuss?
What do you think your hopes and fears would be if you were coming to a new country? Discuss these.
What have you learned from the refugees’ stories?
What question would you like to ask if you could meet any of the people featured in the exhibition?
Please write your suggestions below.