Edith Forrester – Reflection On Life

Edith describes the many highpoints in her life and her one main regret. INT: And have you ever wanted to go back to Germany since? Since that last meeting with your father? EF: No, no. I did go with a couple of groups when we took students and I had a very good head of … Read more

Edith Forrester – Settling In

Edith talks about her new life in Kirkcaldy and her education. She describes her reaction when she finally met her birth father again. INT: And what about going to school after that? EF: Well that was… INT: You still only spoke German? EF: Yes, well they put me in the infant class to learn English … Read more

Edith Forrester – Immigration

Edith describes her journey to Britain and arriving in London. She then talks about arriving in Scotland and meeting the gentleman and lady who soon became her beloved Mum and Dad. INT: So how did you come to Scotland then? How did that happen? EF: Well, when we arrived…I’d never been on a boat before … Read more

Edith Forrester – Life Before The War

Edith describes her family background and how she felt when her mother told her she was leaving Germany. She explains that she was too young to realise that her parents were not coming with her. She tells the interviewer about the Gestapo’s visit to her home. She then speaks about the fate of her Jewish … Read more