Erna Grace

Erna Grace (Rabner) was born in Dortmund, Germany in 1930. Erna came on the Kindertransport when she was only eight years old.  She had diphtheria while living in the reception camp in Harwich.  She was taken in by Nurse Livingstone and her family In Glasgow with whom she lived with till she married. Sadly, she … Read more

Edith Forrester

Edith was born in Nordhausen, Germany. She describes what happened when the Gestapo arrived at her home and arrested her father. She speaks of her departure from her family when she joined the Kindertransport and her mother’s failure to escape. She emphasises her love of Britain, her pride in being Jewish and her Christian faith. … Read more

Dorrith M. Sim

Dorrith was born in Kassel, Germany. She witnessed Kristallnacht, when her own home was vandalised, so her parents decided she should go to Britain on the Kindertransport. She describes how she taught herself English by saying everything was “in my pocket” and wrote a children’s book with that name on the experience of being a … Read more

Dorothea Brander

Dorothea was born in Berlin. Her father was a chemist and was sent to work in Istanbul to escape from Germany. She describes her life in Turkey. Her brother organised support for non-Nazi Germans who were interned during the war in villages by the Turks. Dorothea married on V.E. Day and came to Glasgow, which … Read more

Dany Metzstein

Dany Metzstein (Danielle Kahn) was born in Montpellier, France in 1942. Her parents were in hiding and her father was involved with the Maquis. They survived the war in France, but after her father died, Dany had to stay in an orphanage and then a boarding school. She came to live in Motherwell, Scotland with … Read more

Bob Mackenzie

Bob was born in Chemnitz, Germany, of a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother. He was not brought up Jewish. After his father was sent briefly to a concentration camp, he was sent on the Kindertransport to Scotland. He was brought up by a Scottish family and changed his name to theirs in gratitude. His parents … Read more

Bob Kutner

Bob was born in Germany into a Polish Jewish family. They moved to France and then Italy after Hitler came to power in 1933. There, Bob helped his brother spy for France. His brother was caught but not Bob. He escaped as a tourist to England where he joined the army and became an interrogator … Read more

Alice Malcolm

Alice Malcolm was born in Vienna. She witnessed the rise of the Nazis in Austria as early as 1936, when her mother left her to go to England. She escaped to England and served as a kitchen maid and general help in a grand country house. She ended up in Scotland and became a nurse. … Read more

Game focusing on realities of the holocaust wins award

A game created by Glasgow Caledonian graduates has won a top gaming award during Scottish Games Week. Marion’s Journey, a redesigned educational computer game focusing on the harsh realities of the Holocaust won the Creativity Award at the Scottish Games Awards, which are organised by the Scottish Games Network. The game is an interactive story tailored to the oral testimony … Read more

Playing the Holocaust II with Angela and Brian

Presentation from the 2nd Playing the Holocaust discussion hosted by the Digital Holocaust Memory project in 2021. Watch videos from the 1st discussion here:… For more content from the Digital Holocaust Memory project:…