Kathy Hagler – Reflection On Life

KH: Hungary is a horribly anti-Semitic country, always has been, still is today. INT: Yeah. KH: And today it’s getting worse and worse. INT: And your second cousin carried on living in Hungary? KH: Oh yes, I have four second cousins in Hungary. INT: Oh right. KH: My granny’s sister had two daughters as well. INT: Yeah. KH: And one of them had a … Read more

Kathy Hagler – Life In Israel

Kathy and her granny were allowed to leave Hungary and decided to emigrate to Israel.  Kathy wanted to remain in Hungary to finish her education but that was not possible. In the beginning, aged 16 she worked in a factory, which she hated. She moved to live on a Kibbutz, which she loved from the … Read more

Kathy Hagler – Life In Budapest Post WWII

KH: I grew up in Budapest with my granny and my aunt. At the age of sixteen my granny, my aunt and I were allowed to leave the country and go to Israel where I lived until I came to Scotland when I was…I think thirty-five when I arrived in Scotland. INT: So tell me a … Read more

Kathy Hagler – Life During The War

Kathy was one of the very few to have survived the Munkacs Ghetto as tragically, all the inhabitants, including her mother and baby sister were sent to Auschwitz.  She talks more about her mother in the section under Reflection. KH: I was born towards the end of 1942 in what turned out to be several countries. … Read more

Kathy Hagler – Life Before The WWII

Kathy was born in 1942, her father was taken away by the Nazis when she was just one year old. Initially, she was sent to the Munkacs Ghetto with her mother and baby sister. Kathy explains that even as a child she knew it was not a good idea to let people know she was … Read more