Ruth Fraser – Settling In

INT: When did you get married?

R.F: 1945.

INT: Where?

R.F: In Glasgow

INT: Was it South Portland Street?

R.F: Yes. Something like this.

INT: In Geneen’s?

R.F: In Geneen’s restaurant, yes and the Chuppah…Ja. … they set up a chuppah. Yes.

INT: And the Chuppah was there, alright. Who was the Rabbi?

INT: It was Rabbi Rubinstein, alright, 1945. OK. Family life in Scotland was OK?

R.F: Yes.

INT: You had your brother and sister-in-law and family.

R.F: Yes. Ja wir waren noch … Yes we still were …

INT: Lots of German friends.

R.F: Friends yes.

INT: So you had a nice life there. Until 1958?

INT:’58, you went back to Germany in 1958.

R.F: Yes. ’59. End of 1960/’59.

R.F: To Hamburg.

INT: To Hamburg, right. Why did you come back to Germany?

R.F: My, in this case, my husband’s brother was living there and he wanted to engage him, in other words, give him a job.

INT: Right.

R.F: Daddy.

INT: He had a chocolate factory and my father then went to help there. Right, tell us a bit about your work in Glasgow. Just say you had to leave, what time did you have to leave the house? Did you get a bus? What number of the bus?

INT: Right so you left your brothers house.

INT: Where?

R.F: Glasgow. Lomondside Avenue.

INT: In Clarkston, right.

R.F: Glasgow, Lomondside Avenue.

INT: So what time would you leave the house?

R.F: Quite early.

INT: Seven o’clock/ eight o’clock in the morning?

R.F: Half past seven.

INT: To get a bus?

R.F: To get the bus to town.

INT: Right so you’d go to work. You think it was a tool company?

R.F: Yes.

INT: But you don’t know the name of it. That was all secret because everything was blacked out.

INT: And you were in the storeroom.

R.F: Yes that’s right.

INT: Sorting out screws and nails and things like that.

INT: This is what you can remember. Alright. When did you finish? What time would work finish?

R.F: When I got married in 1945.

INT: Alright. Then you didn’t work after that?

R.F: I didn’t work after that.

INT: You just looked after your family.