Ruth Fraser – Reflection On Life

INT: And were there lots of refugees there? Did you meet other people? R.F: Yes there were quite a few refugees otherwise. From Germany and Austria. In Glasgow I met my future husband. INT: Where? R.F: I was introduced with a Jewish family in Glasgow. I was introduced to my future husband. He came from … Read more

Ruth Fraser – Settling In

INT: When did you get married? R.F: 1945. INT: Where? R.F: In Glasgow INT: Was it South Portland Street? R.F: Yes. Something like this. INT: In Geneen’s? R.F: In Geneen’s restaurant, yes and the Chuppah…Ja. … they set up a chuppah. Yes. INT: And the Chuppah was there, alright. Who was the Rabbi? INT: It … Read more

Ruth Fraser – Immigration

INT: So where did you land? You came to London. Did you go to somebody’s house? R.F: Yes because at the time my brother was, his family were staying in London so I was first stopped in London. But I had to start my job as a domestic help. INT: Whereabouts? R.F: In London? Swiss … Read more

Ruth Fraser – Life During The War

INT: So when did you leave Germany? Tell us about that. R.F: I left Germany end of 1938 together with a very good friend. INT: And he had connections in Switzerland, that’s why you went there. Is that right? R.F: Yes, connections. INT: Family? INT: What age were you then? R.F: Twenty-three. INT: And how … Read more

Ruth Fraser – Life Before The War

Ruth was born in Leipzig on the 6th November 1915. Her maiden name was Frischer and her parents had a Kosher butcher shop. INT: Today is the 26th of March. INT: OK. Number one: life before the war. Can you tell us about your early life? For example what did you parents do? And how … Read more