Alice Malcolm – Immigration

Alice describes what happened to her mother once she arrived in Britain. She goes on to talk about her own journey to this country and some of her early experiences here. INT: Right, so tell me… so the two next things then are, if you can bear it, what became of your grandmother and then … Read more

Bob Kutner – Life Before The War

In this section Bob describes his childhood. He was born in Germany into a Polish-Jewish family. The family moved to France and then to Italy when Hitler came to power in 1933. INT2: When were you born and what was your name when you were born? BK: My name was Norbert Kutner, and I was … Read more

Alice Malcolm – Life Before the War

INT: Alice Malcolm, in her house in Giffnock on Tuesday the 11th of March and you’re going to tell me your name, your age… AM: 2014. INT: 2014. You’re going to tell me your name and your age and then we are going to, basically, talk about your life story. So go for it. AM: … Read more