Judith Rosenberg – Integration

Judith tells the interviewers that life improved for her and Harold. Her mother remained in Hungary and Harold helped support her there.

INT: And did your mother stay in Hungary then for the rest of her life?

JR: She stayed in Hungary for…But then things quickly became better. Harold had a better job and I started in business, working, and both of us were earning and I was very successful. I opened a children’s shop. How I did it I don’t know because I couldn’t do it today. And then we managed to send home money. Harold looked after my family all his life.

INT: Right.

JR: I mean that’s quite something. He married me with nothing and to have to look after…But my mother was very good and she came for many years to Glasgow for the summer months. And Beulah and Leslie Naftalin and yesterday Suzie remembers her too, yes. I think that’s enough, yes.