Karola Regent – Immigration

INT:     Tell us about coming to Britain then, how did you feel about your arrival in a strange country, did you have any English or did your sister speak any English?

KR:     I knew porridge and good morning and thank you and one or two other little expressions, but the point was that we, it was quite exciting because we came to my aunt and uncle and cousins who lived in Hampstead.  So we stayed with them to begin with, which was nice and not too traumatic, but then the war came and we were evacuated.

INT:     So was that everybody evacuated, the whole family?

KR:     No.

INT:     Just the…

KR:     The children.

INT:     Just the children.

INT:     And were there other children belonging to your aunt and uncle or just you and Lotte?

KR:     No, they were grown up.

INT:     And where were you evacuated to?

KR:     Rickmansworth in Hertfordshire.

INT:     And by that time was your English much better?

KR:     Oh yes [Laughter].  I had a strong accent, but yes it was fine.

PR:     Some of the teachers took great pains.

KR:     Oh, yes I had one teacher, a geography teacher who was awfully good, my books came back covered in red, but everything was corrected and I had to deal with that and he helped me a lot, yes.

INT:     And did people understand that you were a political refugee. It was during the war so was there a problem because you were German?R:     No, there was no, in England there was no anti.

KR:     No, there was no, in England there was no anti.