Bob Mackenzie – Background

BM: This is the 18th of March 2014. Bob explains the origin of the Kindertransport Movement The British Parliament was approached by the ‘Movement for the Care of Children of Germany’ to hasten the travel permits. The movement promised to fund the whole of the operation and stated that they would not be a drain … Read more

Bob Kutner – Reflection On Life

Bob talks of his own family in Glasgow and the importance of the wider Jewish community there INT1: One last question really about your time in Scotland. What were the high and lows for you? Obviously you got married, you had children BK: Yes. Well, obviously getting married was a high INT1: Mm BK: Um, … Read more

Bob Kutner – Integration

Bob explains how he met his wife, what kind of jobs he did as a civilian during the war and the restrictions which Jews and foreigners experienced at that time. INT1: How did you meet Barbara? BK: Well, I was acquainted by then with a guy called Sidney Shear He plays the piano at the, … Read more

Bob Kutner – Settling In

In this section Bob describes his first jobs in Britain when he left the army after the war. He also talks of his time before that as a soldier in the British army. INT1: Did you work when, when you arrived here? BK: Yes, I started out as a small time commercial traveler. Working for … Read more

Bob Kutner – Immigration

In this section Bob explains how he came to Scotland and what his initial experiences of life in Britain were. INT1: When did you arrive in Scotland and how old were you then? BK: As I said, I estimate I arrived in Scotland about forty nine. 1949. And how old was I? Well you again … Read more

Bob Kutner – Life During The War

In this section Bob gives details of his brother’s work as a French spy and of his own efforts to get out of Italy and reach Britain. INT1: You were in Milan BK: Yea, this is the, the high and low point of our family life really. Um my brother got himself sort of conscripted. … Read more

Bob Kutner – Life Before The War

In this section Bob describes his childhood. He was born in Germany into a Polish-Jewish family. The family moved to France and then to Italy when Hitler came to power in 1933. INT2: When were you born and what was your name when you were born? BK: My name was Norbert Kutner, and I was … Read more