Bob Kutner – Reflection On Life
Bob talks of his own family in Glasgow and the importance of the wider Jewish community there INT1: One last question really about your time in Scotland. What were the high and lows for you? Obviously you got married, you had children BK: Yes. Well, obviously getting married was a high INT1: Mm BK: Um, … Read more
Bob Kutner – Integration
Bob explains how he met his wife, what kind of jobs he did as a civilian during the war and the restrictions which Jews and foreigners experienced at that time. INT1: How did you meet Barbara? BK: Well, I was acquainted by then with a guy called Sidney Shear He plays the piano at the, … Read more
Bob Kutner – Settling In
In this section Bob describes his first jobs in Britain when he left the army after the war. He also talks of his time before that as a soldier in the British army. INT1: Did you work when, when you arrived here? BK: Yes, I started out as a small time commercial traveler. Working for … Read more
Bob Kutner – Immigration
In this section Bob explains how he came to Scotland and what his initial experiences of life in Britain were. INT1: When did you arrive in Scotland and how old were you then? BK: As I said, I estimate I arrived in Scotland about forty nine. 1949. And how old was I? Well you again … Read more
Bob Kutner – Life During The War
In this section Bob gives details of his brother’s work as a French spy and of his own efforts to get out of Italy and reach Britain. INT1: You were in Milan BK: Yea, this is the, the high and low point of our family life really. Um my brother got himself sort of conscripted. … Read more
Bob Kutner – Life Before The War
In this section Bob describes his childhood. He was born in Germany into a Polish-Jewish family. The family moved to France and then to Italy when Hitler came to power in 1933. INT2: When were you born and what was your name when you were born? BK: My name was Norbert Kutner, and I was … Read more