The Anson family is pleased to report that memorabilia from Steven’s late father Martin Ansbacher (Anson) is now being featured in the just opened and remodeled Core Exhibition at the Jewish Museum Berlin (JMB).
Here are photographs of the exhibits featured, and an explanation of what is represented.

The first photograph of the group below shows the family business in Leutershausen with anti-Jewish graffiti on it dated approx 1932 – the family moved to Landshut as a result shortly afterwards.

This photo has a unique story of how it ended up in the JMB. It was viewed at a car boot sale in Germany, and then featured/auctioned on e-bay and bought by a Leutershausen collector/historian a few years ago, shown to our family when we visited the town’s Burgermeister (Mayor), then shown to JMB, and then donated to the JMB to form part of Martin’s story.
Below it are other photographs of their time before the war.
Left – Martin and his cousin Wilhelm ran the “M & W TextileHaus” Drapery retail business – this is an advertising calendar holder from the business
Right – Martin and Beate (or Pat his future wife from Krieigshaber, Augsburg, married in Glasgow (1946) taken we think near the Jewish Sports Club in Augsburg about 1938.
They were just good friends, and both engaged to other people. The war and emigration ended those relationships or else I would not be writing this!
In the picture Martin is wearing the traditional German Lederhosen and Tracht Jacket. He brought this to him to Scotland, and wore it our shul for the fancy costume services at Purim.
Lower Right – Outside the “M & W TextileHaus” Drapery business in Landshut about 1937. The 2 fathers are on the outside, Wilhelm is center and Martin in the background.

Martin’s audio interview featuring his life story can be listened to and read at our website Gathering the Voices, starting with is childhood at
We are indebted to Aubrey Pomerance, a curator at the JMB, for featuring Martin’s remarkable life there.
Steven and Hilary Anson