Rita McNeill – Immigration

Rita describes her journey from Germany to Britain and her continuing belief that her mother would be arriving there too.

INT: You had escaped from the prisoner of…well the concentration camp, what happened then?

RM: I was taken by my aunt to her home and I stayed there a week or so with my cousin and then I was put on a train to come over here. And they kept saying, “Your mother will…” I said ‘No, I don’t want to go’. “Your mother will come straight behind you, you go”. So I left and I believed them, she never did.

INT: That is terrible.

RM: I never saw her again.

INT: What do you remember of the journey? Do you remember the journey?

RM: The journey? There were a lot of children; we had quite a lot of fun once we got going. I was all right but I kept wanting to see my mother.

INT: Of course you would. And then what happened, did you go via the Hook of Holland?

RM: Hook of Holland and then to London to the station there, Liverpool Station I think it was, and there my guardian, the person who said she would look after me, picked me up there up there and I went to her home then in Scotland.