Esperance David – Integration

INT:    Did you find it easy to integrate into Scottish society, or did you feel different? ED:      Jewish society or anything? INT:    Jewish and the wider society. ED:      Well, the wider society, I went back to work when we had another… INT2:  You had a son in between all that. ED:      A son in between, … Read more

Bob Mackenzie – Integration

Bob starts work and moves to Renfrew as an apprentice mechanical engineer. He changes his name to Mackenzie to thank the family who rescued his sister and him. He learns about the survival of his parents and the death of his grandfather. He marries and then joins the RAF. He describes his mother’s first visit … Read more

Dorrith M. Sim – Integration

Dorrit describes starting work and meeting her future husband. She goes on to tell about us about living in Dundee and having her family. She shares how other members of her family settled in America and Canada. Finally we learn about how she came to write her book “In My Pocket” and about her involvement … Read more

Dorothea Brander – Integration

Dorothea travelled with her husband who worked for the British Council. She lived for a time in Otto Hahn’s house (he received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1944) INT: And he was still working with the British Council? DB: He was still with the British Council. He had a very good job, he was Director of … Read more