Eva Szirmai – Reflection On Life
Eva emphasises that the highlight of her life was living in Scotland in a free society INT: Eva we always finish with asking people to say their highlights. E.S: Yes INT: And not so much the low points of their lives. But what would you say, reflecting back, what would you say are your highlights? … Read more
Eva Szirmai – Settling In
Eva talks about her first experiences of life in Glasgow. She describes the delight she experienced when she and her family celebrated their first Friday night in a free country. INT: Ah, no, what I meant had you had your other children? Were your other children born in Scotland? E.S: No my daughter born here, … Read more
Eva Szirmai – Immigration
Eva explains that she eventually came to Glasgow because her Husband had been offered a job at Queens Park Synagogue. She describes the challenges she faced when trying to get a visa to leave Hungary. INT: So how did you end up in Britain then? E.S: How did we end up here? I got married … Read more
Eva Szirmai – Life After The War
Eva describes the poverty of Hungary after the war. She mentions the horrible behaviour of some of the Russian ‘liberators.’ she tells the interviewers what happened when she and her mother tried but failed to return to their flat. E.S. Actually I went back after the war when I was liberated. INT: Oh right. E.S: … Read more
Eva Szirmai – Life During The War
Eva first describes her experiences as an apprentice photographer. She then goes on to speak about life under the Germans – the yellow star houses, the arrests, the hunger, the curfew, the ghetto and the good luck that saved her life. Read the Transcript INT: And what age were you then when the Germans came … Read more
Eva Szirmai – Life Before The War
Eva describes her Family Background and her early education INT: So we normally start off by saying good afternoon Mrs Szirmai. E.S: Yes INT: How do you want us to address you by the way? E.S: Just Eva. INT: Eva, right. E.S: Yes. INT: So today is the 12th of… INT: April. INT: April. See … Read more