Frieda Laird – Life During The War

Frieda explains why she ended up in Scotland as a domestic servant. She tells the interviewers that she had intended to study languages but the Nazis ended her hopes of an education. INT: So what age were you when… You said you were 18 when you came here. How did you leave Germany? FL: Because … Read more

Evelyn Strang – Life During The War

Evelyn describes how her family was arrested in Germany in 1938 and transported to Poland. She explains how they reached Britain and talks of their life in London and Glasgow. Read the Transcript NT: And how did you come to Scotland? E.S: Well we were arrested in 1938 and put on a train to we … Read more

Eva Szirmai – Life During The War

Eva first describes her experiences as an apprentice photographer. She then goes on to speak about life under the Germans – the yellow star houses, the arrests, the hunger, the curfew, the ghetto and the good luck that saved her life. Read the Transcript INT: And what age were you then when the Germans came … Read more

Alice Malcolm – Life During The War

Alice describes her education. Then she speaks about the difficulties she met because she was a Jewish Refugee. We learn about her experiences as a kitchen maid in a stately home. AM: So I went to school [in England]. I was not at school for very long, when the war broke out . In those … Read more

Marion Camrass – Life During The War

Marion’s family fled from the German army when it attacked western Poland in September 1939. They reached the Russian Zone in eastern Poland but were sent to Siberia as suspected enemy aliens. When war between the Soviet Union and Germany began in the summer of 1941 the family were allowed to leave their Siberian camp … Read more